Mapping and Planning Solutions
PO Box 283
91 Cherry Mountain Place
Twin Mountain, NH 03595
Press Release

Updated: March 7, 2025 603-991-9664


The Colebrook Emergency Management Director (EMD) will meet with June Garneau of Mapping and Planning Solutions and other Community members to work on the required five-year update to the 2021 Colebrook Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Town and Mapping and Planning Solutions are conducting a series of hazard mitigation meetings over the next few months to develop the plan.

During these public meetings, the Hazard Mitigation Planning Team (HMPT) will address natural, technological, and human-caused hazards such as Inland Flooding, Long-Term Utility Outages, and Transport Accidents; the Team will also determine “Action Items” to help mitigate the effects of these hazards. The Team will also review shelter sites and the need for generators at those sites.

By examining critical infrastructure and key resources, along with past hazards, the Team will establish priorities for future mitigation projects and steps to increase public awareness of hazards in general.

As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all municipalities must complete a local hazard mitigation plan to qualify for Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) funding should a natural disaster occur. FEMA grants make planning processes possible.

The HMPT is currently being formed. Colebrook citizens and any interested stakeholders are invited to participate. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 4, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM via “Zoom”. The public is encouraged to attend all meetings. To be included in the process, all interested parties should contact Jackie Thayer, EMD, by email at [email protected]; interested parties will be added to the Zoom meeting invitation list. Future meetings are scheduled for May 2, June 6, July 11, and August 8 – all Fridays at 9:00 AM.

More information on the hazard mitigation planning process is available from June Garneau at Mapping and Planning Solutions, [email protected].