Northern Borders Dispatch
Job Opening
Dispatch Telecommunicator
1 Full-time dispatcher
Job Description: Performs highly responsible work in public safety. Communicates, receives, and transmits information of both emergency and routine nature. Deploys emergency responders and equipment throughout the assigned region.
Qualifications: Candidates must possess a valid driver’s license and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants will be required to undergo a screening process, which may include a written test, “fitness of duty” physical examination, and pre- and post-employment drug screening. Candidates should be able to perform computer-related data input and effectively communicate with callers. Successful candidates will be offered paid entry-level training which includes an eight week, in-house, on the job training program.
The Northern Borders Dispatch reserves the right to reject any or all applicants. Applications and a job description can be obtained at the Colebrook Town Hall, 17 Bridge Street, Colebrook, NH 03576. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Northern Borders is an Equal Opportunity Employer.